Economic Inclusion Driving DE&I

Delivering innovation for diversity in construction through DE&I

Commitment to diversity in construction starts at the top

Tim Steigerwald, President and CEO
Tim Steigerwald

"Messer is committed to leadership in creating economic opportunities for all segments of our regional communities. We believe sustainable change requires strategic relationships with minority-, women- and veteran-owned businesses and a commitment of our resources and capital. If we are to sustain growth and continue to compete in this ever-changing business environment, it is imperative that our supplier diversity initiatives continue to support and uplift diverse businesses within our communities."

Stan Williams, VP, Chief Inclusion and Diversity Officer
Stanford T Williams, Jr construction diversity

“Our commitment has produced national recognition, outstanding results, and a strengthened workforce and diverse supply chain that continues to create sustainable change in our communities. We must continue to work diligently to drive the power of economic inclusion throughout the company, on every Messer project and into our communities."

Sonya Walton, VP, Economic Inclusion
Sonya Walton construction diversity

"Diversifying our workforce and supply chain provides innovative solutions for success. The growth of local diverse businesses results in job creation within our communities. When citizens within our communities are working, the economic vitality of our communities thrives. When our communities are thriving, our nation’s economy gets stronger. The bottom line: Economic Inclusion is a vital difference maker for everyone."

Economic Inclusion Driving DE&I brochure

This brochure details Messer's supplier diversity, workforce diversity and community engagement strategies, as well as company-wide efforts, contacts, and more to build construction diversity, equity and inclusion.

Header photo courtesy of UC Foundation

Impacting diversity in construction

Workforce Diversity

Recruiting and retaining the best talent to drive diverse, innovative thinking and action

Supplier Diversity

Committed to doing business with minority-, women- and veteran-owned firms to lead diversity in construction.

Community Engagement

Actively engaged in professional organizations that serve minorities and women.

Focused on impact and results

Creating opportunities for diverse businesses, hiring a diverse workforce and investing in community partnerships makes our workforce and our neighborhoods stronger.

Vice President of Economic Inclusion Sonya Walton highlights Messer's focus areas and the impact and change it brings to individuals throughout our regions.


Sonya Walton, VP, Economic Inclusion

"Messer achieved record-breaking economic inclusion results on the new emergency room and surgery facilities

at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center. As construction manager for the project, Messer spent $66 million with more than 40 local minority and women owned subcontractors which represents 49% of total project expenditures to date [Aug. 2023]. Additionally, almost 25% of the workforce on the project have been minorities and women...16 minority individuals from Avondale, Uptown, and other urban communities have been placed and started new construction careers with Messer and some of the subcontractors that worked on the project. My company, the Elliott Management Group, was hired by UC Health to monitor, track, and audit economic inclusion results for the project. The minority and women owned business and minority and women workforce inclusion results achieved by Messer are some the best we have ever seen in the Greater Cincinnati region for a project of this scope."

Howard Elliott, President,  Elliott Management Group

  • HCAC Gala

  • UC CEAS Summer Bridge 2024

  • Metrolina Minority Contractors Association Steel Toe Boot Awards

  • Summit for Decision Makers on Supplier Diversity in Construction

  • Breakfast Conversations Business Networking Event

  • Who's Who In Black Cincinnati

  • Urban Workforce Development Initiative Wheels Car Recipient

    Urban Workforce Development Initiative Wheels Car Recipient

  • Messer Construction Company employees with business partners at the Louisville Urban League Derby Gala

    Louisville Urban League Derby Gala

  • Messer Construction Company female employees at YWCA Career Women of Achievement

    Celebrating YWCA Career Women of Achievement