Norton Brownsboro

Brownsboro Hospital Bed Tower Addition - Norton Healthcare

Louisville, KY


  • Assignment: Construction Manager
  • Architect:  DesignGroup
  • Mechanical Engineer: CMTA
  • Structural Engineer: KPFF
  • Civil Engineer: LD&D


This is a five-story, 172,000 sf addition to the existing bed tower including 70 new patient beds and new neurosurgery bi-plane suites. The project will also include 44,000 sf of renovation. You can read more in the article published by The Lane Report.



  • The emergency department's walk-in entrance, ambulance drop-off, helipad and other services were successfully relocated with zero impact to ongoing hospital operations. In addition, Messer is expected to achieve 16% M/WBE participation against the 15% project goal.

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